BC has a highly developed program for athletes of these ages designed to train and develop young athletes in the sport of athletics. The distances run on the track, the heights and placement of hurdles and the weight of the throwing implements are appropriate for each age group.
Athletes will be introduced to:
shot put
long jump
high jump
Our training program gives youth the opportunity to develop physical literacy, speed, and fitness, learn Track & Field specific skills, make friends and exercise in a supportive environment, attend track meets, if they wish and compete in alignment with the LONG TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT (LTAD) pathway.
Red Group: Athletes turning 9-12 by Dec 31, 2025 (birth years 2013 to 2016)
Black Group: Athletes turning 13 and up by Dec 31, 2025 (birth years 2012 and earlier)
Note: Younger athletes may have the option to train with older Black Group with coaches' approval.. Older athletes may choose to train with the Red group. Email questions to Head Coach Aaron Holmgren: timeofmind@gmail.com
Practices held at Parkland Secondary School track in North Saanich.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
5:30 to 6:30 pm for Red Group
6:15 to 7:45 pm for Black Group
10:00 - 11:30 for Competitive Group - open to any athlete interested in competing in track and field meets
Full year: $300 (Pre Season, Regular Season and Cross Country) not incl BC Athletics (BCA) membership
​OR ​
Regular season only $175 (Apr-Jun) not incl BC Athletics membership​
Cross Country
Ages 11-18
The cross country program includes three optional training sessions a week offering a variety of running terrain. Please note athletes must have previous running or track and field experience ss the program is not suitable for those just starting to run.
Practices: September to November. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday runs.
Times and locations vary through the season.
Fees $50 (not incl BCA membership)
Track Rascals
Ages 6-8 before Dec 31
The Track Rascals program introduces young people in a friendly and non-competitive manner to the basic movements of all sports i.e. running, jumping and throwing. Building core athletic skills to help in all athletics and build a love of exercise and body movement.
Practices: Tuesday and Thursday in June
Location: Parkland Secondary Track
The Peninsula Track and Field Club owes a great debt of thanks to Dan Daniels who was the driving force in setting up the program in 2001 and developing it for many years.
Fees: $65 (not incl BCA membership)
Adult training & competition
Our club has an informal masters group with access to equipment and no formal coaching. The self-directed athletes are a small group, some of whom are recreational athletes and some are preparing for local, provincial and national Masters competitions.
Some competitions include the Canadian Masters Championships, the BC Masters Championships and in the BC 55+ Games.
Access to equipment: Saturday mornings
Those in joining Peninsula Track should contact us.
Fee: $25 (not incl BCA membership)​